zondag 17 augustus 2014

The Spark

It's been a very busy week! Last week the Global Talent Search of Lilla Rogers Studio started. It's a design competition looking for the ultimate new illustration talent. From my Bootcamp experience I knew Lilla's assignments are super fun, so I thought it would be a great experience to enter. We got the assignment past week, a very exciting one: make a Wall Art piece, theme  'Little Terrariums'. I dived into the subject exploring terrarium shapes, succulent textures and colors. I've drawn and painted a lot and than some more. I loved it! Pictures?

The small sketch (top right) was the spark to the idea for my final piece...

Along the way I kept turning left, right, left, trying out several ideas that popped in my head. It resulted in my final piece and some other fun pieces. A very productive week for sure! What I was really happy with was that I didn't freeze up, just had fun and managed to submit a piece I'm pretty proud of. Rewarded myself with a pat on the back, feels like a great prize already!

Above two of the extra pieces I made. Although it wasn't what I was looking for as a final piece, I'm really happy with it
as a result!

We are asked not to show any final work until this Tuesday, when the gallery goes online with everyones work in it. So...I'll show you my final piece in a few days!

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